Love, Miscarriage, Growth, and Optimism

Finding out I was pregnant was both the most exciting, terrifying time of my life. Because I wanted it so much, my biggest fear was miscarrying. When it happened, I was devastated. I couldn't see then what a gift the entire experience was for me, but I do now. Because this is so common, I want people to know that they are not alone. 

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Lifestyle Design with Lavendaire Creator Aileen Xu

Aileen Xu, like many millennials, came out of college asking herself WTF am I doing with my life? Instead of settling for a job she wasn't passionate about, she got serious about becoming the best version of herself and has since created a brand around lifestyle design called Lavendaire. Aileen shares what she learns through YouTube, her blog, and her new podcast called The Lavendaire Lifestyle. The message she shares is that we all have lives that we are capable of designing. 

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How to Cultivate Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence is a hot topic lately because of an increasing amount of studies showing that it is the leading indicator of success across all domains. People with high EQ tend to do better financially, live healthier lives, and have successful relationships. The question is, "Is it teachable?" The answer is yes. Robyn Williams, CEO of ChoiceCenter Leadership University, has been doing it for 20 years and is today's guest on the podcast.

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If you aren't living your dreams, ask yourself this one question

Are you the Hero of your own story? 

If we're not careful, one day, we can wake up and look around at a life that doesn't resemble anything close to what we'd imagined. It's all too easy to get caught up in the drift of staying in your comfort zone or living someone else's narrative. Either way, if that's the case you are a bystander in your own story. 

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